Mila V - Clear Eyes

With her new video for “Clear Eyes” she really defines her emotional acid sound yet again, the track melancholic synth samples together with her bold vocals and choir of eerie pitched vocals tells the story about realising that you don’t owe someone anything and distancing yourself from emotionally greedy people. The video for “Clear Eyes” is set to be shaking up some dust, wether in the club or in your living room
Directed by Mila van der Linden @milavdlinden
Photography Nick van Tiem @nickvantiem
Creative Direction Indiana Roma Voss @indianaromavoss
Cinematography Sam Vis @___samvis
Styling Ricardo van Lachterop @ricardovanl
Indiana Roma Voss @indianaromavoss
1st AD Aron Hoebink @binkje
Producer Annette Putman @jipamsterdam
Cast Luna @lunafreddie, Judy @younghoops, Luan @luansbarros, Camilo @camilorodriguez, Ranchilio @ranchillioeind, Yoeri @caribbeanbeauty, Savannah @shootsavannah, Lucia @santa.lucia , Indiana @indianaromavoss, Patricia
Art Director David Freeman @davidearlfreeman
Editor Stan Vriend @stan.vriend
Colorist Wietse van Bezooijen @wietsevanbezooijen
Gaffer Sam van Vugt @samvvugt
Focus Puller Tom Duiker
2nd AC Jules Scheepens
Electrician Matvey Murashko
Theater Electrician Daan Stigter
Stylist Asst Lucia Adriana @santa.lucia
Styling Asst Dennis Schreuder @dennisschreuder
Styling Asst Pam Schrokker @kkschroef
Make Up Kato Fierkens @kato.fierkens
Asst Make Up Emma de be Boer @emma.rosa
Asst Make Up Marly van der Bosch
Asst Make Up June Peters @facejune
Hair Styling Sophie Wortelboer @sophiewortelboer
Asst Hair Styling Jason Gafar @jasongafar
Asst Hair Styling Mathieu Bronckhorst @mathieubronckhorst
Asst hair Styling Patrick Burhenne @patrickburhenne
Movement Director Hilde van Halteren @hildevanhalteren
Nails by Ellen van Berkel @ellebellez
Titles by Jelle Aukes @jelleaukes
Special Thanks to: The Makeover Factory @themakeoverfactory, Dylan Westerweel @dylanwesterweel, Marianne Jongkind @mariannejongkind, Light Unit and Camera Rentals