Oscam X Patta: We Will Be Here Forever. Do You Understand?

For OSCAM'S second art exhibition in their new location, Patta curators Violette Esmeralda (head photography) and Lee Stuart (brand director) have selected a variety of artists from Gilleam Trapenberg, Wes Mapes, Stacii Samidin, Serana Angelista, Shertise Solano to Dion Rosina.
With the current surge of POC focussed art exhibitions in The Netherlands, including the highly publicised participation of the country’s most prestigious art institutions, many questions arise regarding the motives of these institutions to collectively change their course of action.
What is the difference between strategic alignment and genuine engagement, what can be said about the longevity of such initiatives, who is the real target audience of these shows, where does interest become fetishisation, and is the content that is being shown making a substantial contribution towards a more inclusive society?
WE WILL BE HERE FOREVER. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? runs until April 19th. OSCAM is open Monday - Saturday until 6PM.
Amsterdamse PoortBijlmerplein 110-111
1102 DB Amsterdam
The Netherlands