People'S Forum @ W139

People's Forum, Farida Sedoc's first solo exhibition, explores the conditions for art as livelihood and as a vehicle for change. Sedoc starts from her own vulnerable experience as an artist to address new forms of collectivity. Amplifying past and current voices of diasporic and transnational communities, the exhibition reports on resistance and civil disobedience, and suggesting tools for emancipation. The punk, reggae, and hip-hop aesthetics in her visual imagery contrast the visual language of mainstream media. In People's Forum, repurposing this visual research material echoes the spirit of the 80s and proposes alternative realities of the present. This not only forms the basis for addressing many urgent topics in the exhibition and in society today but also speaks about global power structures in relation to people's social, cultural, and economic positions. W139 is an artist-run exhibition space for artists. Founded in 1979 at Warmoesstraat 139, Amsterdam. The former theater was squatted as a movement against the closed world of commercial art and museums. People's Forum will open on Novemeber 17th until December 17th 2023.